A dream is a wish your heart makes when you're fast asleep. In dreams you will lose your heartaches. Whatever you wish for, you keep. Have faith in your dreams, and someday, your rainbow will come smiling through. No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, the dreams that you wish will come true. --Cinderella

Friday, July 3, 2009

Dia Catorce- Dia Diesiocho

On Monday we woke up early and were headed on a hike! Typically I am an adventuresome athletic individual, but this adventure just didn’t seem to appeasing. We first drove a carsick filled two hours to a little town where our bus dropped us off for an hour break; keep in mind this is before we preceded to the town where we would find the trail. Eventually we made it to the trail, as we were venturing through the town the group became split. Dobbie stampeded ahead with only a few in tow, including the map of the trail. So with no map, it truly was an adventure. We ended up at the first city after a long scenic hike. After the day we headed back to Granada for a hike up to the Alhambra for a night shoot. We shot from my favorite plaza, where all the gypsies congregate. There is always music playing, dogs wandering, and good people watching. So in return, there are always great photo opportunities. Tuesday was our last day in Granada so we were given a free day to do whatever we wanted. We got some shopping in. I stocked up on souvenirs, to say the least. To formally conclude our ten day stay in Granada, we had a six course meal at one of Granada’s finest restaurants. All twenty of us sat around a large square table which overlooked the Alhambra. The dinner was a success. Full from the evening out, on Wednesday we woke up to journey to Seville. Though on the way, we would stop in Cordoba to see the La Mosquita (one of the world’s most famous mosques, which is now a cathedral…). As we stepped off the bus in Seville, the heat singed your skin. It was smoking, which was rather unenjoyable considering the air-conditioning in Kate and I’s room malfunctioned. Thursday we visited the fortress and Alcazar cathedral in Seville; both of these places are extremely well recognized by Spanish royalty. Though I feel like if I see one more museum or cathedral I might just fall over and die, I really did appreciate the astounding architecture of both places. But really I believe it was the gardens and orange trees which established the buildings’ true beauties. And believe it or not, that evening we ate at the “Texas Bar and Saloon.” It was sooo nice to get a little flavor of some familiar tex-mex. Heaven on Earth. Today we slept in and then took a boat ride down the river. Tonight we are going to a Flamenco show. Here in Spain, we just go, go, go. But there is just too much to see in too little time, I guess. It’s amazing that our three week stay is coming to an end. Tomorrow morning we will leave for Cadiz, our final stop on our never ending adventure.

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